Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Wastong nutrisyon kailangan, lifestyle diseases iwasan"

The world now is experiencing the pandemic named Inflenza A (H1N1).

But we could prevent having this illness if we have an appropriate lifestyle, which then results to a good health. To obtain a healthy state, the environment must be clean, so thus the body. A healthy person lives cleanly and is free of harmful illnesses. We must follow a healthy lifestyle by means of cleaning the surroundings, keeping the trash empty and segregate garbages. and to ourself, we must take a bath everyday, eat a balance and nutritious diet, and even simply washing our hands properly before and after eating a meal, drinking 8-10 glasses of clean water, and of course, excretion of body waste.

And yet, we must maintain all the healthful ways of living in order to achieve a delightful life.


  1. i know you have so much ideas there in your head... hmmm.. why don't you bring them out so you could construct longer posts ?.. well, it's not really bad to try it out.. haha.. that's all i can say.. it would be much better if you can express more of your thoughts and feelings through this.. ^_^ ....................................

  2. ...yOur post is not readAbLe... i advisE yOu to cHoosE a sUitabLe fOnt cOlor and fOnt size on yoUr post nExtime..

    have a good day! *^*
